By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

San Juan County’s Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) is asking the public to weigh in with opinions about what has been good and what has been troublesome about the summer ferry schedule. Comments can be entered via the County’s website at:

Howard Rosenfeld, who sits on both the FAC and the County Council, said the committee wants to take advantage of the opportunity to “collect comments now while we’re in the summer schedule to use when we construct the 2011 summer schedule.”

This is the second request for on-line comments from FAC. Earlier this year more than 70 ferry users weighed in with comments on proposed options for this fall’s schedule.

Rosenfeld said that the committee will continue to seek the public’s thoughts on upcoming schedules. He said comments will next be sought on Washington State Ferries’ draft winter schedule, which will be made public within the next several days.