Join the Apple Boy at the Simple Sunday Supper next Sunday at Odd Fellows Hall for a Farm-to-Cafeteria Benefit

By Madie Murray

Scarecrows, stepping stones, birdhouses and benches are just a few of the food, farm and garden items you can win at the Farm to Cafeteria Simple Sunday Summer fundraiser this coming Sunday from 5 to 9 p.m. November 14 at Odd Fellows Hall.

While supping on a delicious buffet of platters from Doe Bay, Allium, the Quilted Pig, The Kitchen, Deer Harbor Inn and Kathryn Taylor Chocolates and listening to the spirited music of JP and the OK Rhythm Boys, these items and many more will be bundled into packages for which you can buy raffle tickets.  Then stuff the raffle box to increase your odds of getting the package of your choice, or spread out your chances by stuffing them all.  Also, a very special item made by Mark Padbury’s wood shop students will be given to one person with the best winning strategy.

If that’s not enough to get you there yet, here’s what will put you over the top.  Free kid kare will be provided by Key Club kids at the Community Church just around the corner from Odd Fellows.

Cost for the event is only $35 if you purchase your tickets at the Chamber office before they close at 4 p.m. Saturday the 13th.  It’s still not too late to come, however, as you can purchase entrance to the event for $40 at the door on the 14th.  Leave the kids with our kids and come have a great time with us!

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