— from the Emmanuel Episcopal Parish —

A bird's eye view of the Latin-themed potluck at the Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall

A bird’s eye view of the Latin-themed potluck at the Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall

This past June, Fr. Berto Gandara, of ​Emmanuel Episcopal​ Church, began offering a once-a-month misa (Episcopal mass) in Spanish for the Spanish-speaking community on Orcas Island. The mass is the first Saturday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Around 40 people, including children, now attend the monthly misa.

At a potluck dinner on September 27, the English-speaking ​congregants at Emmanuel welcomed the Spanish speakers into the church with a Latin-themed potluck, featuring wonderful food and fellowship and blessings in both Spanish and English. The highlight of the evening was the huge pot of pozole (Mexican soup with pork and hominy) prepared and served by Johanna and Yolanda.