Here’s a thought…
“The competition between Nature and the economy is deep and broad.
In the short term, the economy usually wins. In the long term …?”
Lopezian author’s new novel featuring orca now available
Time is running out for the iconic killer whales of Pacific coast ||| FROM GENE HELFMAN ||| Orca families have been decimated by humanity's greed and folly, their food supply wiped out, their infants dying
Hey, we had a Tsunami Advisory this morning
||| FROM DAVE HALLORAN for DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ||| Good morning, in the news today is a volcanic eruption near the Tonga Islands. The Tsunami Warning center ( has issued an Advisory for the
OIFR reports on last week’s Cascade Way structure fire
||| FROM KIM KIMPLE for ORCAS FIRE & RESCUE ||| Orcas Island Fire and Rescue responded to reports of a fully involved house fire in the 100-block of Cascade Way on Sunday, January 9 at
2021 was a record year for orca and humpback sightings in Salish Sea
||| FROM CANADA'S NATIONAL OBSERVER ||| VANCOUVER — The agency that represents 29 whale-watching companies in British Columbia and Washington state says its members report 2021 was a record year for whale sightings in the
Upcoming Meeting of the Minds presenter will compare orca, Bigg’s behavior
Meeting of the Minds: “Orca Behavior: Comparing Two Killer Whale Populations in the Salish Sea” presented by Monika Wieland - Wednesday, January 19 at 1 p.m. by Zoom ||| FROM LENA KASSA for ORCAS ISLAND
Alaska harvests millions of Canadian salmon while Canadian fishermen tied to the dock
||| FROM ANNA KEMP for WATERSHED WATCH ||| VICTORIA, B.C. — As salmon runs in British Columbia hit record lows, commercial fisheries along the Alaska panhandle are catching a growing share of salmon bound for
Upcoming Garden Club meet to discuss growing vegetables from seed
||| FROM ORCAS ISLAND GARDEN CLUB ||| On Wednesday, January 19, at 10:30 a.m., the Orcas Island and Lopez Island Garden Clubs’ virtual (Zoom) meeting will feature Carol Miles who will discuss Growing Vegetable Crops
CWR logs first Orca pod sighting of 2022
||| FROM CENTER FOR WHALE RESEARCH ||| Mark and Joe were with a pair of humpback whales on the Victoria waterfront when they received reports of multiple groups of killer whales in the vicinity of
5-year study: West Coast orca population falls to lowest level in almost 50 years
||| FROM NEWSWEEK ||| A population of orca that resides off the West Coast is at its lowest level in almost 50 years, with just 73 individuals now remaining. The Southern Resident killer whale population
Emergency declared by governor due to winter weather
||| FROM THE OFFICE OF GOVERNOR JAY INSLEE ||| Gov. Jay Inslee issued an emergency proclamation [yesterday] around winter weather and flooding due to a series of severe winter storms that have produced extensive rain and
County issues request for salmon recovery project proposals
||| FROM SAM WHITRIDGE, SJC LEAD ENTITY FOR SALMON RECOVERY ||| The San Juan County Lead Entity for Salmon Recovery is requesting salmon recovery project proposals for the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) 2022 grant
Windy weather warning for tonight / tomorrow
||| FROM NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE ||| High Wind Warning Description * What, Southeast winds 35 to 45 MPH with Gusts Up to 65 MPH Expected.* Where, San Juan County, Western Whatcom County, Western Skagit county
KWIAHT releases report on health of Indian Island
||| FROM RUSSEL BARSH for KWIAHT ||| KWIAHT's annual report on the health of Indian Island this year is available as a video presentation: You may also view the full report HERE. Please also let
New WA law will reduce use of single-use utensils, condiments, straws beginning Jan. 1
||| FROM SAN JUAN COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS ||| Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, Washington restaurants will no longer automatically include single-use food service items like utensils, condiments, and straws with food orders. A new state law restricts the use
The rare spots of good news on climate change
It looks increasingly clear that we'll at least sidestep the worst-case scenarios. ||| FROM TECHNOLOGY REVIEW ||| REPRINT AT REQUEST OF A READER The deadly consequences of climate change only grew clearer this year, as