By Margie Doyle

I heard from many islanders, and I too felt, that the innuendos, exaggerations and half-truths of the last County Council election discouraged them from engaging in the government’s political process.

Government is the single largest employer in this county; in other words, if we see government as the enemy we are holding a loaded shotgun to our own heads, as well as to all those government employs: postal workers, emergency medical technicians, school teachers, librarians, water, sewer and other utilities staff, coaches, custodians, road workers, hospitality workers, ferry workers, childcare providers, respite workers, mental health counselors — well just about everybody contributes to or benefits from “government” in one form or another.

For all our proud tradition of rugged individualism, self-reliance, civil disobedience and Yankee ingenuity, we’re all in this together.

Orcas Island has a reputation for high public involvement — and for characters. It also has a tradition of coming together to help each other out, whether to house a burned-out family, to grieve at a memorial, to fly medical patients to the mainland or to donate blood and artwork.

So these coming weeks especially offer an alternative to the outrage and hostility of the political election seasons; which more and more feels like the “bread and circuses” of ancient Rome, to keep us entertained — and distracted — from the ongoing work that makes life purposeful and satisfying:

  • Sunday, June 2, people can participate in four meetings at the Eastsound Fire Hall about the re-design of The Exchange; the other meetings will be Tuesday and Thursday evenings, June 4 and 6, and another Sunday meeting on June 9. Contact call Michael Greenberg at 376-4118, or email to sign on
  • On June 4, the Friends of the San Juans brings Sound Shoreline Science Forum to the Eastsound Fire Hall from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Whatever you think of the Friends of the San Juans, come and add your contribution to the mix and try to find what you can agree upon and move forward with. Contact or call 378-2319 to join the forum.
  • On June 13, the Orcas Fire and Rescue Department is holding a Town Hall to explain its emergency medical program and discuss possible solutions for after-hours medical care, at 4 p.m. at the Fire Hall.
  • On June 19 OPALCO will hold a public meeting to address Broadband Connections and Cooperation from 5 to 7 p.m. at Orcas Center (there will be other meetings on June 12, 13 and 17 on San Juan, Lopez and Shaw Islands) Contact for more information.

Some of these meetings may be uncomfortable if it appears that people are simply being told what must happen. But it may well be worth hearing with a determinedly open mind and asking the uncomfortable question: how will the generous feeling of the old Exchange come forward in a new design that accommodates best recycling practices? will it really damage eelgrass and the ecological balance if I don’t observe a shoreline buffer zone? what will happen if the Fire and Rescue Department starts charging for after-hours medical emergencies? how can financially-strapped islanders buy into a broadband upgrade?

I have been made extremely uncomfortable by the take-no-prisoners arguments of various proponents and opponents of local campaigns, and more, I have no personal stake in the outcome of most of these meetings. There are other non-public issues that are closer to my heart, however, and I know the feelings of anxiety, frustration and outrage in not being able to get my point across. I’ve found that those feelings dissipate when some attempt has been made to understand my point, or some accommodation to include it has been made. That only happens if you show up and try to work together; it never happens if you protest only to your circle of friends or take potshots at those “in charge.”

And while the meetings may be difficult, consider all the events coming where we can gather together in fun and celebration:

  • Orcas Christian School’s 8th Grade Graduation on June 5 at 6:30 at the OCS gym
  • Kindergarten – 4th grade Music Concert on June 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the “old gym”
  • Orcas Christain School’s High School Graduation on June 7 at 6:30 at the OCS gym
  • OASIS High School Commencement on June 8 at the Episcopal Parish Hall
  • Orcas High School Celebration of Success on June 14 at the High School
  • Orcas High School Commencement on June 15 at the High School

Working towards a common goal is heartening and building something together creates a family or team that is more interested in achieving a goal and enjoying each other than in finding fault and prevailing at all costs. We are more than local elections, whatever their nature. We are leaders, helpers, compromisers, and hard workers. As we work together, we gain appreciation for each others’ viewpoints, experience and vision and together, we make ours a better world.

There is some forgiveness called for here, whatever our intentions may have been. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize — a lifestyle of caring, engaged, thoughtful people who are grateful for the life we share.

(Note to readers: please feel free to comment on meetings and celebrations to which you may want to invite the public).