— by Lin McNulty, Editor, Orcas Issues —

For the last week month or so, tightly tucked into my home office work space, I’ve been hearing voices. Luckily, I am able to say the voices are recognizable and they are giving me hope and smiles, qualities in danger of being forgotten as we traverse the socially-distant steps through this pandemic.

It began with a video from Mandy Troxel. As posted on Orcas Issues, her music brought me back to something not important to all, but to fans of folk music, and rhubarb, it was a welcome reprieve.

So was born Tuning Out the Pandemic to bring community voices into your home during this period of isolation.

Because I am such a huge fan of local music and smiles, this feature will continue, because I intend to smile at least every so often, and hope you do, too. It might not be a new one every day (workload will determine that), but you can always click on the Tune Out the Pandemic menu at the top of our site to invite one of these voices from our community into your life.

If you have a music file you wish to share with your locked-up, homebound community, please email to editor@theorcasonian.com.

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