Wednesday, April 12, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m., Russell’s Landing

— from Victoria Compton —

Communication Channel Complexity

Effective and powerful communication can help build companies and careers. It’s a critical component of enduring success in today’s competitive business world. Whether a face-to-face conversation or well-written e-mail, a meaningful and well delivered message establishes a connection that creates a powerful impression with customers and colleagues.

Join the San Juan County Economic Development Council for a FREE workshop on the topic of improving communication skills using SuperConnectivity™, on Wednesday, Apr. 12 from 9:15-10:15 on Orcas Island. Advance registration is required.

The keys to effective communication in business are self-awareness, using appropriate mediums, surgical use of connective language, directness, and simplicity. Noted management consultant and author, Mike Sanders will show the class how to communicate powerfully, effectively and fast. Free handouts and “SuperConnectivity Certification” are included.

Details: Wednesday, Apr. 12 from 9:15-10:15 at Russell’s Landing on Orcas Island. FREE workshop; advance registration is required. Please call 360-378-2906 to reserve your space, or email:

The EDC thanks Orcas Island Market, San Juan County government, our ports, Heritage Bank, Islanders Bank and the Department of Commerce for their support of this workshop.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County. We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. We serve business: linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.