Today is an exciting day! We now have a list of generous members who’ve raised their hands to run for a position on the Eastsound Water Board of Directors.
The nomination period this year closed at noon last Friday. As a result, today we are proud to announce the following members in good standing for your consideration:

  • Carol Anderson
  • James Cook
  • Teri Nigretto
  • Michael Speece

In the coming days we will be posting information about these candidates on our website at:
Revisit this webpage to get the latest election news and to learn more about your candidates. We encourage you to get involved with our election this fall and to make an informed decision. 
Check Your Mailbox
Voter packets are going out in the Mail tomorrow. Keep an eye out for this blue envelope:

Inside this illustrious envelope you will find voting instructions, a ballot, a proxy if you need one and a stamped return envelope.

Casting Your Vote
 You can cast your vote by mail in one of two ways (no online voting this year):

  1. Vote by Ballot: Place a mark next to the candidates of your choice. Do not mark more than two (2) candidates. Please sign your ballots as only ballots with signatures will be counted.
  2. Vote by Proxy: Add your name, date and phone to your proxy. Please sign your proxy as only proxies with signatures will be counted (if you wish to designate a proxy other than the Board of Directors, please contact our office and a blank proxy will be provided to you).

Please mail your ballot or proxy via the stamped envelope we provide, or drop your paperwork off at our door. All ballots and proxies must be returned to the Association Office located at 286 Enchanted Forest Road B102, Eastsound, WA 98245 by: 12:00 PM (noon) on November 10th, 2023.
Announcing the Winner
We’ll announce this year’s winners at our annual meeting. This year’s meeting will be held 100% on Zoom on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, so log in to attend (Zoom ID: 829 9189 9224, Passcode: water).

The total amount of Eastsound Water memberships as of October 15, 2023, is 1,217. A quorum for the Annual Meeting requires 10% of members to be present to conduct business other than reporting the results of the election (that means we need 122 people to show). We have a lot to share so please come and join the fun!
Thank you for taking the time to get involved with the governance of your local water co-op, and for being a valued Eastsound Water member.