By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

Trash receptacles will be removed this week at Eastsound Village Green to cut costs and compensate for sagging park use revenues.

“We expect our use fees from the Farmer’s Market will be $2500 less than last year and we’ve lost a couple of other events that will put us about $3,000 below our budget for the year,” Wuthnow said on July 7.  “Eliminating garbage service will save us between $1,500 and $2,000 so we’ll still have to work to balance the budget.”

The Farmer’s Market’s use fee dropped when it obtained non-profit status. Earlier this year the market moved to Prune Alley for three weeks, eliminating those payments to the park and Wuthnow said the number of other revenue-producing events at the park has dwindled. She said that after looking at June revenue figures she felt obligated to act.

“We’re hoping that having a clean Village Green is important to the whole community and especially to park users, so they’ll help by packing out any trash they generate.”

Wuthnow said that the Parks Department continues to provide garbage collection service at the County’s camping parks, but the service has already been cutback or eliminated at other day parks.

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