Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Ferries Division Assistant Secretary David Moseley recently announced that the Final Long-Range Plan for Ferries has been completed and is available on the web at wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/planning/ESHB2358

In a statement issued June 30, Moseley said, “The Plan guides WSF services and investments for the next 22 years with the first milestone being construction of the 64-car ferry.  I want to personally thank you for attending a public meeting, workshop or hearing as we developed the Plan over the last two years.  The Plan is a culmination of the investment made by ferry served communities, lawmakers and WSDOT staff.

“The Plan assumes that current levels of service remain as they are today with minor improvements as new vessels are acquired to replace retiring vessels. Other plan highlights include:

— Purchase 10 new vessels to replace retired and retiring vessels
— Preserve and maintain existing terminals and vessels
— Investigate new technology for vehicle reservations systems at Anacortes/Sidney B.C. and Port Townsend/Keystone, and to look at options to incorporate reservations on other routes
— Make transit supportive investments at select terminals

“The Plan identifies a net funding gap of $3.3 billion over the next 22 years with most of that deficit in the capital program.  WSF will continue to work with the Legislature to identify a sustainable funding source for the ferry system.”

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