You’re in luck – there are still tickets left to the best show on Orcas!

Orcas Has Talent, Feb. 5th 6:30 at the Orcas Center has tickets left for the Main Stage! Get down to Darvill’s and grab yourself a spot for the show that highlights the diverse talent here on Orcas.  From ages 14 to 64 – there’s singing and playing, guitar, banjo, sax and tuba, Fusion Dance, magic, a pop/rock band and even Stupid Human tricks!

Tickets to Main stage are $25 /adult and $15 / youth (ages 12 and under).  The Madrona room offers fine seating for a “live feed” performance for $10. All audience members in both the Main Stage and the Madronna room vote for their choice of Orcas’ Best Talent.

Come early – at 5 p.m.on the day of the. show for a yummy pizza dinner, salad, foccacia bread, drink and dessert. Just $10! You can reserve your meal by calling Moriah Armstrong at 376-2596.

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