Thursday, September 29, 11 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Leif —

Thanks to all who have participated this summer, we have surpassed our benchmarks due to the many repeat donors here on Orcas, and some newcomers as well. And thanks also to the volunteers of the Lions Club with assistance of the the Kiwanis and their friends and of course the Fire Department who opens up their space for us to use.

Don’t forget to schedule an appointment if you have a limited time frame for your donation. Try it if you haven’t before: go to this page on the web or call 1-800-398-7888. Later times for walk-ins are less crowded, but we have a great crew from BloodWorksNW that keeps us moving and are nice besides.

We honored Marlyn Myers last time and would like to know your story if you’d like to tell it. Contact Leif at