From the County Auditor’s Department

San Juan County Elections Department is seeking individuals to serve on the Disability Advisory Committee. The goal of the committee is to assist elections officials in developing a plan to identify and implement changes to improve the accessibility of elections for voters with disabilities. The committee should include persons with diverse disabilities and persons with expertise in providing accommodations for persons with disabilities.

The legislature finds that the elimination of polling places resulting from the transition to vote by mail creates barriers that restrict the ability of many voters with disabilities from achieving the independence and privacy in voting provided by the accessible voting devices required under the Help America to Vote Act.

Members who are on the Disability Advisory Committee in other counties in Washington State have expressed how rewarding it is to be a part of the voting process. If  you want to take this opportunity to improve the voting experience for those with disabilities in San Juan County, please call the Elections Office at (360) 378- 3357 for further information.

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