This Tuesday is #GivingTuesday, and in these challenging times, we want to remind everyone that there are many Orcas non-profits serving urgent needs in our historically generous community. It may have escaped your notice that the CARES Act has a provision to encourage philanthropy, permitting the deduction of up to $300 in charitable donations to 501(c)(3) nonprofits in 2020 “above the line,” even if you take the standard deduction. Be sure to
consult your tax advisor.

The links below are to articles explaining this provision of the CARES Act:

With so many community activities and meetings online, and no concerts and performances, the work of nonprofits like the Orcas Island Music Advocacy Group is not always visible, but we are carrying on. Our fall newsletter about the OISD music program is online. Every year, thanks to the generosity of our community members, MAG is able to more than match the funding for OISD music provided by the school budget.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Hilary Canty and the staff at OICF for taking such an effective leadership role in coordinating and encouraging philanthropy during the pandemic, and to Eric Webb and all the folks at OISD for their thoughtful management of Orcas kids’ education in these difficult times.

Either on Giving Tuesday or before or after, but prior to December 31, if you are able, please consider making even small donations to MAG and to other Orcas Island non-profits on the island, who may not be working as visibly at this time but are tirelessly continuing to serve our community during the pandemic.

With best wishes and with heartfelt thanks to all the generous folks in our community.