Saturday, Nov. 21 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Parish Hall

Join the Death Cafe for an open discussion

Join the Death Cafe on Saturday, Nov. 21

Death Cafe is a place to talk about death, accompanied by coffee, tea, and cake. Begun in Europe, reshaped in the UK by John Underwood based on the work of Bernard Crettaz, Death Cafe has spread into a global forum. The motto: “To increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.”

Orcas Crossroads, in association with Libby Garcia RN and Orcas Public Library, will host this event on Saturday, November 21, from 2:00 to 3:30 at Emmanuel Parish Hall. Libby has hosted other Death Cafes on Orcas. There is no charge.

Death Cafes are an open forum to encourage rich community conversation in a supportive structure. There is no particular perspective. Topics are as diverse as the interests of the participants regarding death including: fear of death, metaphysics, grief, hospice vs. palliative care, physiology of death, advanced care directives, family discussions, dying differently, death with dignity. Come join the conversation and have cake!

For more information see or contact Janice Wiemeyer at 376-3870.