David Roth, performing at FolkLife, will entertain Orcas Islanders on Friday, April 13

Friday, April 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Orcas Island Senior Center

By Bill Buchan

Thoughtful, touching melodies on guitar or piano, sometimes laced with humor, always making you think—singer/songwriter David Roth returns to Orcas Island Friday, April 13, 7:30 pm at the Senior Center.  Some years back, when he was living in Seattle, David’s good friend Susan Osborn invited him twice to perform at the Living Room.

Now based about as far east as you can get from Orcas Island in the U.S., David makes his home on Cape Cod, Mass. (his wife Teresa’s home area). David makes at least one pass through the Northwest each year, and we were lucky enough to be able to snag him on Orcas on an open date.

David’s music strikes many chords, hearts and minds with his unique songs, moving stories and hilarious observations.  A truly gifted musician and performer, his cleverly wordsmithed lyrics mix the uplifting and inspirational with humor.

He often turns something from a newspaper article into a beautiful and thought-provoking ballad.  See David at the Senior Center Friday the thirteenth—it will be your lucky day!

Admission $12 or, as David says on his poster, less if you can’t afford that…he’s just that kind of guy.  Check out his music at davidrothmusic.com.