By Dr. Rosie Kuhn

As spirit beings our essential nature is Peace. This being so, what has us be anything but peace; what elements of our daily lives disrupt the peace that we are?

The Wonderful Women’s Orcas Island Retreat brings us into a moment when we can experience the tranquility of who we already are. Remembering peace allows us to choose consciously how to be peace and bring peacefulness to our families, friends, communities and to the world.

Through deep listening, a peace quest, sweat lodge ceremony, body work and expressive arts, we will refresh and renew our connection to our essential wisdom and knowing that is peace.

The retreat begins Thursday Evening July 21 and runs to Sunday Evening July 24. Participants will depart Monday morning the 25th. Costs are  $495 for alumni, $550 for guest of alumni, $650.00 for newcomers.

Three partial scholarships are available.

Included in the Retreat are individual camping spaces, hot showers, all meals, massage, expressive arts supplies and the fabulous facilitation of Carmella Granado, Margaret Lindsey, MFA and Dr. Rosie Kuhn.

Margaret Lindsey, MFA is a life-long artist and educator who practices painting and teaching as a means to facilitate the evolution of human consciousness, Margaret is a guide for expressive arts and transformative healing retreats in various venues. Her personal art-making is always infused with an awareness of universal interconnectedness. Her work has been internationally exhibited and published. Margaret’s website is

Carmella Granado is one of those uncommon people who walks in two worlds.  She takes all she has learned in her high tech corporate environment where she coaches individuals and teams to higher performance and satisfaction plus the indigenous spiritual practices she’s acquired in her life traveling into remote places around the planet opening into compassion and weaves them into an offering of support to greater wholeness for everyone she encounters.

Rosie Kuhn, Ph.D. is the founder of the Paradigm Shifts Coaching Group, author of Self-Empowerment 101, and creator and facilitator of the Transformational Coaching Training Program. She is a life and business coach to individuals, corporations and executives. She has been facilitating these wonderful women retreats for the past five years. Rosie’s website is

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