Irene O'Neill and her mom Jane Barfoot, dressed in pioneer clothing for a Historical Days parade in the 50s.

Islanders are invited to the San Juan County Pioneer’s Picnic on Saturday, August 7 from noon to 3 p.m. at the Orcas Island Museum.

The public is invited to bring a picnic lunch; desserts & refreshments are provided. There will be trophies for the oldest man and woman present, and the longest continuous resident.

While there, visit the “Journey Stories”  Smithsonian exhibit at the museum . A videographer will be available to help you  share your story. Museum hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the “Journey Stories” exhibit will be on display through August only. The Museum is located at 181 North Beach Road in Eastsound.

By the way: “Pioneers” are those who have been on island for 20+ year, says Museum President Bill Buchan, “but y’all come!”