— from Sue Kollett, San Juan County Council Assistant–

The 2018 Lodging Tax Facilities/Promotional Grant Program was opened earlier this month with a Request for Proposals (RFP). The deadline for submitting proposals is for 2018 grants is Sept. 21, 2017

San Juan County has established a tourism facilities program, funded by a portion of the revenue collected under the State Lodging Tax excise statutes and is seeking proposals from qualified entities interested in:

1. funding single project proposals concerned with acquiring, improving or developing facilities for enhancing the tourism experience; and/or

2, matching grants for operating tourism facilities that enhance the tourism experience; and/or

3, matching grants for events that draw tourists; and/or

4, projects that carry out the goals of the San Juan County LTAC Tourism Master Plan. The contract year will begin on January 1, 2018.

The expected outcome of the funded activities is to increase economic activity in San Juan County in 2018 and beyond through the overnight lodging of tourists, through tourism-related expenditures, and construction of tourism-related facilities. Program categories are funded thru either the Promotional or the Facilities portions of LTAC funds. Program categories are:

  1. Emphasis on Tourism facilities capital program (only for facilities in which the County has an ownership position):


 2. Matching grants for Tourism Events and Festivals designed to attract tourists

3. Matching Grants for operation of existing eligible tourism facilities that meet the criteria of this RFP and the long-range tourism plan (including, but not limited to historic museums, performing arts, visual arts)

4. Special Investments that help to accomplish objectives of the LTAC Master Plan (available online at: https://sanjuanco.com/614/Lodging-Tax-Advisory-Committee)

The total available funding for 2018 Facilities grants will be approximately $925,767. Additional funds are available for Promotional grants, which serve to fund a Destination Marketing Organization as well as promotional events that draw tourists.

Proposals are due no later than 4:30 p.m., Thursday, September 21, 2017. For information and an application packet, visit the San Juan County website: https://sanjuanco.com/614/Lodging-Tax-Advisory-Committee or contact Susan Kollet at the office of County Council (360) 370-7470. Packets may be picked up from the Council Office at 55 Second Street, 1st floor, Friday Harbor, WA. Requests by mail should be sent to:

San Juan County
Lodging Tax Facilities Grant Program 350 Court Street #1
Friday Harbor, WA 98250