Sept. 15 deadline for Public Comments

— from the San Juan County Land Bank–

The Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Plan (PTNA) provides direction for the development, management and acquisition of parks, trails, non-motorized transportation facilities, and natural areas for the Parks & Fair Department, Land Bank, and Public Works Departments of the County. New with this update is incorporation of the County’s Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. The PTNA provides a long-term vision and six-year plan to guide action and investment in a wide variety of outdoor spaces and facilities managed by San Juan County. This document is designed to maintain San Juan County’s eligibility for state-based park and recreation grant funding.

From January to April 2016, the San Juan County Parks and Fair Department, Public Works Department, and Land Bank worked with a team from Cascadia Consulting Group to carry out a dynamic public engagement process to inform the update of the PTNA. The process included conducting a statistically significant survey and interacting directly with residents at four open houses, one on each of the ferry-served islands (San Juan, Orcas, Lopez, and Shaw).

Click here for information on how to comment on the DRAFT of the updated Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Plan, proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element, and the SEPA Determination of NonSignificance. The plan includes an inventory of existing properties and facilities, a capital facilities plan, goals and policies, and a plan for implementation.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Land Bank Commission Meeting
Craft Room @ Mullis Center, San Juan Island
September 16, 8:30am

Sundays on the Summit
Mount Grant Preserve, San Juan Island
September 11, 18, 25