— from the San Juan County Council —

San Juan County Council Chairman Bob Jarman announced today that he will not calendar any further Council review of the proposed greenhouse regulations until the Dept. of Community Development has had an opportunity to reevaluate the draft regulations, and take into consideration all of the public comment received over the past several months.

“On behalf of Council I would like to thank all of those who took the time to provide us with their comments,” Jarman stated. “I would also like to thank the Agricultural Resources Committee and the Grange for hosting the recent public meetings on the issue.”

It is not anticipated that the Council will revisit the proposed greenhouse regulations any time soon. “We currently have two important pieces of legislation before us – the update to the Shoreline Management Program and the update to the Eastsound Sub-Area plan,” Jarman said. “They demand our full attention and we need to continue to focus on them if Council is going to complete its review this year.”