Friday July 20, 2018, Joint Planning Commission and County Council Meeting at the Council hearing room at 55 Second St, Friday Harbor

— from San Juan County Government —

At 9 a.m. on July 20, 2018, there will be a joint Planning Commission and County Council public hearing and special meeting. (Editor’s note: Orcas Islanders, catch the 6:55 ferry to get there on time) The public hearing will be regarding a proposed amendment to the political sign code. The Planning Commission and County Council will also be briefed by staff regarding the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) order related to the Shoreline Master Program (SMP), and proposed methodologies for forecasting housing, and seasonal population.

Information on the proposed political sign code amendment can be found here:

This change is needed in order to comply with San Juan County Superior Court Judge Katie Loring’s order dated Monday, May 21, 2018 re: Case No. 18-2-0507528.  The Court held that the conditions of the political sign exemption in SJCC 18.40.400(C) are likely contrary to law and entered an order preventing the County from enforcing them.  Existing County policy is to not enforce the time limits on political signs.  County Code will be made consistent with County policy and the Court order by amending SJCC 18.40.400(C) as proposed above.

Public comments on the proposed sign code amendments can be sent to Adam Zack, Planner II, at

Information on the GMHB ruling on the SMP can be found here:

On June 13, 2018, the GMHB issued its Final Decision and Order (FDO) in Case No. 17-2-0009 (FDO, Page 35). The GMHB did not find the adoption of the County’s updated SMP invalid although several areas of the SMP were found non-compliant. The Planning Commission and County Council will be briefed on the details of the GMHB decision.  Details of the findings can be found in the staff report dated July 2, 2018 (at the link above).

Public comments on the SMP staff report can be sent to Linda Kuller, Planning Manager, at

The staff report outlining the proposed housing forecast methodologies is under the ‘housing’ tab at the following page:

A draft Housing Needs Assessment was issued in August 2017.  Planning Commission and County Council were briefed on a second draft in October 2017.  At that time, staff was requested to refine the housing unit forecast analysis for 2036.  Planning Commission and County Council will be briefed on two proposed methodologies for the housing unit forecast, outlined in the staff report dated July 5, 2018 (under ‘housing’ at the link above).

Information regarding the proposed seasonal population projection can be found under the ‘population’ tab at the following page:

In addition to projecting the future year-round population, staff has been asked to project the possible seasonal population for planning purposes. The seasonal population projection will be added to the population forecast for the Comprehensive Plan. The seasonal population forecast is discussed in the staff report dated July 6, 2018 (under ‘population’ at the link above).

The public is encouraged to provide comment on these topics.  Public comments on the housing and seasonal population forecasts can be sent to Please make sure to reference the page number from the staff report you are commenting on.