From Chris Sutton

The San Juan County Broadband Forum was just launched a few days ago. This forum is a result of the cumulative effort of five community members from Orcas and San Juan.

Our goal is to provide a nonbiased platform to discuss Broadband in general, and to also provide a platform for the community to weigh in on the OPALCO plan. It is our desire to make this site the “GO TO” place to learn about broadband technologies in use around the world and specifically how that relates to our island communities.

We have also licensed a customized speed test app that the San Juan Broadband community can use to test their broadband service and those results will then be plotted out on a map of the islands. This map will be available on the website as well.

The site URL for our SJC Broadband Forum is:

Registration is easy and quick, for Facebook users it is a two click process, for standard registrations there are 4 fields to complete and that is it. Registration URL is:

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact any of our group at: