From Stan Matthews
County Website and Communications Manager

[County Administrator] Pete Rose feels that it would be appropriate to reiterate and support the statements made in the County’s news release. [Feb. 24, 2012)

Concerning the Termination of the IS Manager:

  • The County administration stands by the information in Friday’s news release
  • The purchasing case is entirely separate from the termination. As indicated in the County news release, documentation clearly shows the termination decision had been made and the termination process was underway well before the purchasing issue came to the Administrator’s attention.

Concerning the Purchasing Issue:

  • The administrator worked with the prosecutor on the purchasing case and actively encouraged him to contact the State Auditor, even sitting in the prosecutor’s office while he made a call to the State Auditor. Because of the circumstances, the County Administration did not coordinate its response to this case with County Auditor Henley.
  • The prosecutor issued a written report, which was released when his investigation was complete. It remains a public record.

(Two reports follow: One is the prosecutor’s report after his investigation of the purchasing issue. The other is the County’s motion to dismiss the whistleblower lawsuit, which provides an explanation of why Mr. Johnson was terminated and citations documenting that the termination was fait accompli before the purchasing issue became known to the County Administration.) CRS 111510

Prosecutor’s report:

Motion to dismiss lawsuit: