— from San Juan County Council —

At its February 4, 2014, regularly scheduled meeting, the County Council decided to push out the implementation date of the critical areas regulations (CAO) until March 31, 2014. The CAO regulations that were adopted in 2012 were to have been implemented March 1, 2014.

A delay in implementation of 30 days will allow adequate time for Council Member Bob Jarman to get caught up to speed, and allow Council additional time to consider public comment and to deliberate on a set of amendments to the regulations intended to comply with the Growth Management Board decision and compliance date of March 5th.

Moreover, the delay will allow all the pieces (ordinances) of the CAO to have the same effective date – 2012 regulations and 2014 amendments. This will make it substantially easier for staff and the public as the regulations are put into effect.

Also, at the Feb. 4th meeting, the Council decided to continue the public hearing of Feb. 4th to the 11th to allow for additional comment.

On Feb. 25th the Council will hold a public hearing and take action on an emergency ordinance delaying the effective date of the CAO regulations to March 31st.