— from Stan Matthews —

Council Member Bob Jarman. Photo:  San Juan County Staff – Sept 2013

Council Member Bob Jarman. Photo: San Juan County Staff – Sept 2013

On Monday January 27, 2014, Council Member Bob Jarman was taken by ambulance to St. Joseph Hospital/Peace Health in Bellingham for what now has been diagnosed as an aggressive bacterial infection – Strep A, commonly known as “flesh eating bacteria.”

Mr. Jarman extends his deep appreciation for Dr. Gossom and staff at the Peace Health Hospital (San Juan Island), and the EMS Flight Crew, who got him to the hospital in time to receive life saving treatment.

In a statement regarding his condition, Mr. Jarman writes “I will be in the hospital most of this week while I continue on a program of intensive antibacterial treatment to help balance out all systems. Talking on the phone has not been possible, but I have been keeping up with emails and texts through family members. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and good wishes through this ordeal.”

Regarding his prognosis, Mr. Jarman states “please know that I am on the road to recovery. I will keep up with county issues and continue working closely with my fellow councilmembers. I will see you all soon.”