— from Stephen Shrader, MA —

This message is addressed to all who have registered for our virtual Community Grief Tending Rituals over the past several weeks. We wanted to send a quick note to let you know that our weekly Sunday gatherings (held by a team of rotating grief tenders) are now open to everyone

Thank you for helping us co-create this new way of grieving together and for supporting this work. However imperfect it may be – mingled with our longing to be in each other’s physical presence – we hope that it might offer some small refuge for our tender hearts in these challenging and imperfect times.      

We invite you to join us again or share this offering with your communities, if you feel called to do so:

We continue to hold you in our hearts. Sending prayers for safety for you and your families, and for so much more… In loving service, Siena, Mary, Therese, Tere, Laurence, and Nala