from Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter

Looking for something worthwhile to do during these ‘stay at home’ days? This is an ideal time to complete your 2020 Census return. The US Census is conducted every ten years, going all the way back to the first national Census in 1790. The 2020 Census is the first in the nation’s history to include the option of completing your return online.

Census data plays a significant role in allocating federal funding for the next ten years. Completing the Census helps to assure that San Juan County receives its fair share of that funding. The results of the Census are also used to determine the number of Congressional districts in each State. The Census Bureau utilizes many sophisticated tools to gather demographic information, but ultimately it comes down to each household taking part and completing the Census return.

Completing the Census return is a simple process that takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Begin by going to When you are ready to begin, click on the “RESPOND” button. Note that the “How to Respond” area includes a lot of useful information that you might want to review before beginning the questionnaire.

On the next screen, click on the “Start Questionnaire” button.

This will take you to the Log In page. If you have received a 12-digit Census ID, enter it in the space provided. Those who receive their mail at a PO Box are unlikely to have yet received a Census ID. If you do not have a Census ID, click on the ‘If you do not have a Census ID, click here’ line (highlighted here by the blue arrow).

This takes you to the beginning of the questionnaire. There are four parts to the questionnaire: street address verification, household questions, people questions and final questions. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

All households are legally required to complete a Census return. Please take the few minutes needed to complete the 2020 Census for your household today.