Everyone is invited to a community sing along of Handel’s “Messiah” on Tuesday evening December 21 at 6:15 p.m.  in the Community Church.

A small group of your neighbors wanted to sing the “Messiah” this season in an informal group setting and has organized a Messiah sing-along open to the entire community. Bring your score if you have one, or there will be some scores available at the door to borrow. Gathering will begin at 6:15 at the Community Church and singing starts at 6:30. Roger Sherman has generously offered to accompany us on the piano. Admission is free of charge.

Pastor Dick Staub and The Community Church offer the use of their space for this event as a gift to the entire community.

If you have any questions about this event, please call: Jan 376-1037,  Cynthia 376-4355, or Tina 376-4113.