By Hilary Canty
Executive Director, Orcas Island Community Foundation

The Orcas Island Community Foundation annual Community Grant awards will surpass $100,000 this year.  Grant funds will be distributed to 24 local nonprofits in support of programs that provide critical services and cultural experiences to the Orcas community.  The single largest grant will be given to a collaborative program proposed by the three island medical practices.  They will receive $21,000 to cover medical services for underinsured and uninsured patients.  The Foundation is impressed that the medical practices are collaborating to address a need that touches so many lives in our community.

Funding for this annual grant cycle comes in part from the interest and dividend earnings income on the OICF Community Endowment Fund, which has grown to $1 million.  Additional funds are contributed by individuals through the Partners in Philanthropy program.  Thanks to their generous contributions, OICF increased distributions by 20 percent this year, a tribute to the Orcas tradition of taking care of one another, particularly during these difficult economic times.

The Grant Awards Celebration will be held on Thursday, June 2nd from 2to 4 p.m. at the Orcas Center.  The community is welcome to come celebrate the work of our local nonprofits and volunteers, whose ongoing efforts make Orcas a vital and vibrant community for all.

A highlight of the Grants Celebration will be the presentation of the Youth Grants. The Orcas High senior civics and economics classes identified issues and programs of significance to their lives on Orcas and granted to organizations that support them.  Their selections are kept under wraps until the awards.  In 2010, the class chose Orcas Family Connection in recognition of their growing service as a community resource center.  Who will they pick this year?  Come to the Awards Celebration to find out.

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