The Washington State Transportation Commission has released a draft fare adjustment proposal and is now seeking public comment.  The fare proposal was developed by the Ferries Division of WSDOT (WSF) in consultation with the Ferry Advisory Committee on Tariffs (FAC-T), an advisory group made up of ferry riders and members of local ferry advisory committees.

The draft fare proposal includes the following elements:

  • A general fare increase of 2.5% . The proposal calls for a general system-wide fare increase of 2.5% (increases will vary slightly due to Tariff Route Equity (TRE) and rounding adjustments).
  • TRE Phasing in the San Juan Islands. An extra 2% increase for the San Juans Interisland fares is proposed to complete the final phase of Tariff Route Equity implementation.
  • School Group pricing. A discounted school group rate is currently offered to support educational and enrichment programs in ferry-served communities. To ensure the original intent of the program is being met, clarifying language states that the discount applies to K-12 school groups and requires a letter of authorization on the sponsoring school’s letterhead.
  • Day-of-week pricing in the San Juan Islands. To simplify the fare structure, the proposal would eliminate the day-of-week pricing structure, the early week discount, and the passenger peak season surcharge in the San Juan Islands.

The public can comment on the proposal in several ways:

  • Email:
  • Mail:  P.O. Box 47308, Olympia, WA  98504
  • Phone:  360.705.7070

The public comment period will extend through November 15, 2010 when the Commission will hold a final Public Hearing in Seattle where testimony on the proposal will be taken. The Commission is expected to take action at this hearing.

Given the significant changes proposed for the San Juan Islands, the Commission will hold a public meeting on the Interisland ferry on November 4th, departing Friday Harbor at 11:35 am, 12:25 p.m. from Orcas, 12:40 p.m. from Shaw and 1:05 p.m. from Lopez.

Assuming Commission action after its Public Hearing, the changes will take effect on January 1, 2011.

For more information about the Commission and additional details about the fare proposal, visit the Transportation Commission’s Web site at:

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