Catherine Pederson, Founding Director/Artistic Director of the Orcas Choral Society.

Orcas Choral Society members mounted the stage for the last time under the direction of Society Founder and Artistic Director Catherine Pederson this past weekend.

Following the Saturday evening performance, at a public reception held in the Madrona Room, the Choral Society presented Pederson with the gift of a rose garden and fruit tree orchard at her home.

Pederson said that after 33 years as choir director, she “still had something to say,” and thanked Louellen McCoy, piano accompanist for the group for its first 25 years, charter members who still sing with the choir –Marilyn Andrews, Stan Miller, and Katie Jensen — Pederson’s late husband Dale Pederson, OCS Board Director Phil Burbo, all the choristers who have sung through the years, and especially the audiences who have followed the choir from the Grange and the School Gym to Orcas Center.

The Gala Receptions on Saturday and Sunday were arranged by a team of  Mary Poletti, Penny Sharp-Sky, and Jan Cleveland. Helping them were Barbara Bedell, Mary Boberg, Barbara Gourley, Barbara Hagen, Sasha Hagen, Moana Kutsche and Brigid Ehrmantraut, Mary Greenwell, Pat Littlewood, Lise Reinholt, Karen Hedge, Catherine Ellis and Phil Burbo.

Poletti singled out the Orcas Center Staff as well in her appreciation for helping with the reception.

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