Replacement on board

— from Eastsound Sewer & Water —


With 25 years of successful service to the Eastsound Sewer and Water District to his credit, Roy Light is retiring with his health and good nature intact.

Since 1995, Roy has successfully and professionally operated that which most of us don’t even want to think about, our community’s sewage
collection and treatment systems. Roy and the crew have kept both public sewage systems (Eastsound and Orcas Village) running to the highest performance standards – every day and every night of every year! In recognition, there are 30-some Department of Ecology annual performance award plaques earned by our sewer district personnel.

Roy’s dedication, calm persistence professional talents and innate
ingenuity to identify and solve problems have served our communities
well. Of note, is Roy’s unique solution for cleaning the gravel beds at
the Orcas Village gravel filter treatment plant. This is Roy’s “Vac-u-
Suck” scheme. A scheme that really works in a practical way, while
saving the district’s patrons hundreds of thousand of dollars each time
that it is utilized! Roy’s solution and adaptations are evident at every
turn around the system.

Due to Roy’s wide range of semi-hazardous interests, we extend our
smiling sympathies to his loving wife, Dawn and to their charming son,
Keith! It will be interesting.

Thanks, and all the best to you and your family, Roy Light. It’s been a
very good run.


INCOMING: Christopher Giestine

Eastsound Sewer & Water District welcomes its new General Manager, Christopher Giesting, who started working for ESWD on June 1, 2020. Christopher comes from the City of Loveland, Colorado where he was Plant Manager of a 38 MGD conventional water treatment plant for three years. Christopher’s previous experience includes Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator for the City of Lynden, Washington for over six years and Water Treatment Plant Operator for the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator for the City of Lawrence, Ohio and laboratory Technician for the ExxonMobil Corporation.

Christopher also has extensive experience as an instructor for the Washington Environmental Training Center and Red Rocks Community College providing training in the operations of water and wastewater treatment works.

Christopher Giesting has an A.A.S. in Forest Management from Hocking College, a B.S. in Environmental Science from Morehead State University and an M.S. in Environmental Science – Water Resources from the University of Idaho.

ESWD is excited to have Christopher join the team and lead the District into the future as we as we move toward the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project and improving the efficiency of our community’s sewer system.

Welcome and Good Luck Christopher.