— by Susan McBain, Orcas Issues reporter —

A new public comment policy and the operation of a new committee structure were on display at the January 16 regular meeting of the Orcas Board of Fire Commissioners (BOFC).

The public comment policy, adopted in December, creates one public comment period at the beginning of the meeting after any changes to the agenda. Commenters need to provide their name, topic, and email or address before the meeting is called to order and are limited to 3 minutes, with additional time allowed as moved by the commissioners. If necessary, commissioners will be appointed to follow up on public comments.

The first commenter under this policy was Bob Phalan, who felt that a second comment period near the end of each meeting was needed. Phalan also questioned why no water tender is located at the Eastsound fire station.

The new committee structure was developed over the last half of 2018, after voters approved increasing the number of BOFC commissioners from three to five. The higher number allows two commissioners to meet, alone or with the Fire Chief and others, without violating the Washington Open Public Meetings Act. The committees and their members are: Finance, Commissioners Amanda Montague and Tim Fuller; Union Negotiation, Commissioners Wes Heinmiller and Montague; Strategic Planning, Commissioners Barbara Bedell and Jim Helminski; and Policy, Commissioners Fuller and Helminski.

Fire Chief Scott Williams reported that OIFR ended its fiscal year with a surplus of $246,000. However, he noted that the overage occurred because some 2017 projects were not completed and that the funds would be needed in 2018 to complete those projects. About $152,000 has been collected so far for EMS services to island visitors in 2017, more than expected. Williams noted that reimbursements from Medicare and Medicaid have decreased, so the amount collected this year will probably be less.

Williams reported a total of 1,109 calls to the department in 2017, up almost 100 calls from 2016. Almost 26% of those calls were overlapping.

The chief demonstrated the new department website being developed. The website will provide easier access to information on fire danger, burn permits, department services, documents, classes, and other public topics, plus a member login site for firefighter/EMS personnel. Commissioners suggested the addition of a banner capability to highlight critical information in event of emergencies.

For 2018, Williams would like to purchase an ambulance to replace the current vehicle, which has maintenance issues. In the Strategic Plan for 2019–2023, he hopes to include purchase or lease of a new fire engine. At this point, in response to Phalan’s comment, he noted that the department’s water tenders have been stationed at Doe Bay, Rosario and West Sound because those areas do not have fire hydrants, whereas much of the Eastsound area does.

The two biggest issues for the department in 2018 will be new apparatus and equipment, and development of the strategic plan, Scott stated. At least one department open house and more public education are possibilities this year.