Wednesday, May 7, 5 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Joyce Stone —

Early Birds 2013 (2)Opening day of ticket sales for the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival is Wednesday, May 7th. And the kickoff is happening at a new, more convenient time – 5:00 PM!

All are welcome to come to the Madrona Room at Orcas Center beginning at this time to select your favorite seats and concerts for this popular Festival. The 17th Annual Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival takes place August 8 through 23.

For years, “Early Bird” patrons have lined up in the pre-dawn hours in order to make their concert choices before sales open online or by phone. Now in 2014, the “Early Birds” are migrating from AM to PM. Mary Poletti will still bring her goodies to keep folks happy, as the friendly Festival staff help with ticket orders and answer questions about this Summer’s music and musicians.

Come join the fun and get your tickets early. This year’s Festival is going to be spectacular! Opening weekend you’ll journey to Buenos Aires for a true tango adventure, as Artistic Director Aloysia Friedmann and Artistic Advisor Jon Kimura Parker welcome tango pianist extraordinaire Pablo Ziegler and his Classical Tango Quartet.

It will be a musical family celebration August 19 and 20 when three famous pianists, brothers Jackie Parker, Jamie Parker and cousin Ian Parker perform for the featured “Orcas~trations” Concert.

Other concerts feature Canada’s celebrated Gryphon Trio, baritone Philip Cutlip, renowned violinists Andrés Cárdenes and Chee-Yun, cellists Bion Tsang and Anne Martindale Williams, and other amazing musicians.

Online ticket sales will open May 7th at 9pm at Phone sales will begin May 8th and can be made by calling the Box Office Wednesday through Friday from noon to 4 pm @ 376-2281. To view the complete concert schedule and performing artists, visit the OICMF website or call the Festival office at 376-6636 for further information.