Brooke Meinhardt with her work

Winter at Orcas Center often is a season for eclectic and inventive art exhibits, and this year promises no exception.  The February show “Is It Art?” which opens Friday, February 4, will offer a very broad range of media, subjects and artistic approaches,   with particular emphasis on the work of artists who have chosen to pursue experimental or less-traditional avenues of expression.
The program will be full of surprises, promises Joe Floren of the Center’s Visual Arts Committee.  “The exhibit honors the elegant,  values the imaginative–and has a very high tolerance for the outrageous.”
Among the variety of media on display will be those that focus on photography, with special emphasis on digital imagery;  an impressive display of small-scale multimedia art works; landscape design items; “found” art objects; art work embodying recycled materials; the work of The Exchange, and its continuing support of art, especially in schools; and public art (either tax-supported in  public spaces or on private property but visible to, and shared by, passers-by.)
Reception for the artists will be held February 4 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Madrona Room.

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