Wednesday Aut. 14 at the Olga Energetics Club. Potluck at 6 p.m., Music at 7 p.m.

From Sharon Abreu

Enjoy an intimate concert with Celia…singer/songwriter/comedienne/sound healer/activist extraordinaire. Celia has opened for Marianne Williamson, Masuro Emoto, Donna Eden and many more names you may recognize.

At the same time, she is the most down-to-earth, real and approachable of musicians with a range of expression that is impossible to pigeon-hole. A stellar songwriter, she covers issues of the day through humor, passion and incomparable vocal, instrumental, and theatrical skill.

Irreverent, mischievous, and spontaneous – from the spiritual to the sublime – no topic is off-limits. I can’t tell you what will happen but you will be positively transformed by the experience of an evening with Celia!

The Energetics Club is in “downtown” Olga… with parking and kitchen space. Contributions to Celia’s traveling expenses greatly appreciated ($10+ suggested). A wide range of fabulous CDs will be available for sale. Bring a snack or beverage to share – we’ll social time and potluck snacks from 6-7 as we gather. Music will start promptly at 7.

Celia’s website is