“Black Oystercatchers” by Shawna Marie Franklin. Linoleum block print

The Artists’ Registry Show with 60+ artists and VOYAGER by Steven Jensen closes on May 31. Catch them before they leave.

On Memorial Day, the museum will close early at 2:30, so plan to beat the rush. See them at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) in Friday Harbor. From all over the county, emerging, accomplished and professional artists fill two galleries with works ranging from printmaking, painting, sculpture, jewelry, glass, textiles, wood carving and

Jensen’s Atrium exhibit transforms the space with light and the aesthetic traditions of his Norwegian forebears. His art explores the universal image of the boat and will take your breath away. You can preview these shows at www.sjima-online.org.

SJIMA is open and ready to greet you. Hours are 11-5 Friday-Monday. Admission is $10 with SJIMA members and those 18 and under admitted free of charge. Join the art of discovery at SJIMA, where there is always something new.

SJIMA has all COVID protections in place for your safety as well as our staff and volunteers.

We thank our generous sponsors for making these exhibitions possible. The Honeywell Charitable Trust, Anonymous, Washington State Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Arts, Town of Friday Harbor, San Juan Island Community Foundation, Orcas Island Community Foundation, Printonyx, Harbor Rental, Joe Cooper Designs LLC and Browne’s Home Center.