— from Susan McBain —

Orcas Island musician Carolyn Cruso will be the presenter at the Orcas Island Unitarian Universalists (OIUU) Fellowship service on Sunday,  February 9. She will talk about “Music and Spirituality in My Life” and will also treat us to music on the hammered dulcimer.

As part of our commitment to service to our community, we invite you to bring a donation for the Food Bank. Donations of canned food (or a check) are especially needed and appreciated because of recent government cutbacks.

OIUUF meets the second and fourth Sundays at 11:30 a.m. in Benson Hall at Emmanuel Church. All are welcome. Childcare is available if you let us know ahead of time. We have a wonderful space and creative materials for kids, but we need to plan ahead for supervision. If you need a ride to the service or have other needs, visit our website (www.orcasislanduu.org) and click on “Contact Us.”