Notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Regarding Critical Area Regulations for Geologically Hazardous Areas and Frequently Flooded Areas

Comment deadline July 12

Notice is hereby given that the San Juan County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on an ordinance amending the Critical Area provisions of the San Juan County Code.

The ordinance addresses two different types of designated critical areas: Geologically Hazardous Areas and Frequently Flooded Areas. These amendments are proposed to fulfill the periodic update requirements of RCW 36.70A.130.

For Geologically Hazardous Areas, the proposed ordinance: clarifies the purpose; refines the methods for measuring slope; adds landform types for greater consistency with the WAC; includes options for the characterization of hazard soil types; classifies moderate to high liquefaction susceptibility area as Category II; prohibits new essential public facilities from Category I and II areas (with exceptions); requires geotechnicalreports for development applications in Category II areas; includes options for addressing the discharge of water near high hazard areas; includes options for addressing the threat of tsunami waves; includes options for addressing the construction of bulkheads; clarifies the project area and content for geotechnical reports; and defines the term qualified professional (in reference to geotechnical reports).

For Frequently Flooded Areas, the proposed ordinance: prohibits new essential public facilities within flood hazard areas (with exceptions). For both types of critical area, the proposed ordinance updates and clarifies existing terms and procedures.

The hearing will begin at or after 8:45 a.m., Friday, July 15, 2011 at the San Juan Island Grange, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor.

Interested parties are encouraged to attend & submit oral comments or to provide written comments at or prior to the hearing. To allow for distribution to Planning Commissioners, written comments submitted prior to the hearing should be received by 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, 2011.

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Review. An Environmental Checklist for the proposed amendments was reviewed, and it was determined that adoption of the proposed regulations will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment, and an environmental impact statement is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).

Under WAC 197-11-340(2) a Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 23, 2011. Comments on this determination must be submitted by July 13, 2011. Following a final decision this determination may be appealed with the underlying action to Superior Court or State Boards as provided in RCW 36.70A, RCW 90.58, and RCW 36.70C. For appeals to Superior Court the appeal period is 21 days and for appeals to the Growth Management Hearing’s Board the appeal period is 60 days.
Copies of the ordinance, SEPA checklist, SEPA Determination and associated documents are available from the San Juan County Community Development & Planning Department or will be mailed on request.

For copies,more information or to submit comments contact Janice Biletnikoff, AICP. Her email is