Final public hearing on the CAO scheduled for the February 4th County Council Meeting

 — from Stan Matthews —

The much-debated updates to San Juan County’s Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) will take effect on March 1, 2014, and all permit applications submitted on or after that date will have to meet the new standards. Permits submitted prior to March 1 will be reviewed in line with regulations in effect when the application was submitted.

The County Council is expected to put final touches on the Critical Areas regulations in February, bringing the updates into compliance with the latest Growth Hearings Board rulings on legal challenges to the proposed updates. The final public hearing on the CAO is scheduled for the February 4th County Council Meeting.

The CAO updates were produced under a Growth Management Act mandate requiring periodic reviews of the regulations protecting the county’s most essential assets. The process was required to consider whether CAO regulations make sense in light of current conditions and the best scientific information that is available.

Among the updates which will go into effect March 1 are:

  • Protections for a number of endangered, threatened and sensitive plants, animals and important habitats. Previously, the Bald Eagle was the only animal receiving special protection.
  • Increased wetland habitat buffers, based on updated the State Wetland Rating System, and new requirements for buffers along streams.
  • More stringent requirements for shoreline modifications (docks, bulkheads, etc.).

More information about the CAO, and helpful links to resources are contained in an information bulletin created by the Community Development and available on the County website.

People planning construction or development projects can contact the San Juan County Community Development & Planning Department at (360) 378-2354 for additional information or to arrange a pre-application meeting and site inspection.