— by Yadullah Hussain and Jeff Lewis of the FinancialPost.com

The proposed Canadian pipeline, rejected by First Nations this spring

The proposed Canadian pipeline, rejected by First Nations this spring

As Enbridge Inc. reels from the rejection by residents of Kitimat, B.C. of the Northern Gateway pipeline, a First Nations-led consortium is seeking to build an alternative project that would link Alberta’s oil sands to the British Columbia coast.

Eagle Spirit Energy Holdings Ltd. and Vancouver-based Aquilini Group say they have signed non-disclosure agreements with a “substantial number” of First Nation groups in northern B.C., including some “staunchly opposed” to the Enbridge project.

The one-million barrel-per-day pipeline has a tentative 2020 start date once it secures a “social licence” from First Nations to operate, the group said at a media conference in Vancouver [in April 2014].

To read the full article, go to https://business.financialpost.com/2014/04/14/northern-gateway-plebiscite-setback-could-open-door-for-aboriginal-mega-project/