Ken Speck leads Orcatrazz at the Orcas Family Health Center event, 2011.

Friday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. at Orcas Center

Celebrate with Orcas Family Health Center at its 5th Annual Dinner Dance Fund Raiser. Give the gift of food, fun and music Friday, November 30, 2012 at 7 pm.

Orcas Family Health Center is hosting its fifth annual Dinner Dance Fund Raiser at Orcas Center to benefit the Care-For-All Program, assisting those in our community who are under-insured or have no health insurance at all.

No monies raised go to administration of this event. OFHC Board members and OFHC staff contribute 100% of the expenses. The Board is also thrilled with the retail community’s outreach through donations of goods and services which will be in a Silent Auction in the Orcas Center lobby. Stop in and bid until 9 pm.

A $25 per person ticket provides admission to a complete homemade lasagna meat or vegetarian dinner with salad, bread, beverage and desert. Cash wine bar available. Plus there’s live music from 8-10pm contributed by Orcatrazz Swing Band.

Joyce Burghardt and Lyn Richards are light in their hearts, light on their feet at last year’s Orcas Family Health Center party last December. Robin and Jack Becker dance beside them.

Dancing is not required! Come enjoy the music, food and fellowship. Attend with neighbors, friends or buy a ticket for someone else – in thanks. Make this the start of your holiday season! Tickets available at OFHC by the Airport, Ray’s Pharmacy, Cherie L. Lindholm RE, and The Office Cupboard.