Sailor-Lyn wants to learn all she can about the Southern Resident orcas she sees in Friday Harbor. When she finds out there are only 72 whales left, she makes a promise to help save them from extinction. Will there be 99 whales again — or will something better happen?

I Am 99 is part of the Twisted Orca series of fun and educational books and characters designed to introduce young children to the magic of the ocean and the fascinating creatures that live in it.

Author Keri Newman, in collaboration with illustrator Ashton Alba, weaves a tale of Lime Kiln State Park, a whale research lab, and young girl who tells everyone she knows about Southern Resident Orca, and their need for salmon in order to survive.

When Sailor-Lyn decides it is time to leave the island, she sets off across the country to study whales. Upon her return to Friday Harbor four years later, she is greeted by an Orca introducing itself as “99.” During her four-year absence, the Southern Resident Orca have added 27 additional members to their pod — a remarkable feat under any circumstances.

I Am 99 is available from Amazon. I will also be donating my review copy to the Orcas Island Library.