Book lovers can spread the love around and browse a choice selection of books at the Book Lovers Fair on Sunday, Nov. 1 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall.

The Book Lovers Fair is sponsored by the Orcas Island School District’s Readiness to Learn program, in partnership with Orcas Family Connections and the Public Library, and is the “kick-off” event for Family Literacy Month in November.

A unique book exchange is planned for the event, whereby book lovers can donate their favorite book(s) that they would love others to read; in exchange, they get one coupon per donated book which they can redeem at the Fair by selecting a book or books from the many favorite books donated by other book lovers at the Odd Fellows on Nov. 1, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Book lovers can donate their books and get coupons at the Public Library, island preschools and childcare centers, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Senior Center.  In addition, book donations can be made at Island Market on Saturday afternoons, Oct. 17, 24 and 31.  They can also bring a book to the door of the Odd Fellows Hall on the day of the event and exchange it for a coupon.

The Friends of the Orcas Library are lending their support to this event by selecting books from their collection to donate to the browsing tables – these books may be taken home and enjoyed for a free will donation.

A calendar showing the various community events of Family Literacy Month will be given out at the Book Lovers Fair, and cookies and refreshments will be on hand.

Family Literacy Month has been funded by a grant from the Orcas Island Community Foundation.

For more information, call Readiness to Learn at 376-1566