— by Margie Doyle, Editor —

BlessingIt was mostly dogs who showed up to the Blessing of Pets and Animals, but they brought their people, and were well-behaved both before and after the receiving of the blessing by Berto Gandara at the Emmanuel Episcopal Labyrinth on Sunday afternoon.

Gandara was quick to point out that the animals bless us as much we bless them.

Some animals lovers brought pictures of their pets. Cheryl Danskin wore a stuffed bumble bee on her wrist to remind us, “They really need blessings.” LuAnn Pamatian noted there was an earthworm observed “scurrying” along the ground toward the ceremony. Danskin retrieved the small, albeit hefty, creature to also be blessed.

Gandara was assisted in the ceremony by several children, some of whom had prepared dog biscuits.