— from Sheriff Ron Krebs —

On Saturday the 27th of May Orcas Island received a new visitor, a black bear who it appears as though swam to Orcas Island from Lummi Island. We immediately contacted the Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Since then we have been in constant contact with them regarding the bear. Right now we are in the process of getting a bear trap to the island to attempt to safely apprehend it.

For the time being, the bear seems to be getting into garbage cans and sheds. We ask that you please try to keep your garbage locked up and not try to feed him.

Please continue to call in on our business line at 378-4151 for any sightings. This helps us track him and it is our hope we can safely apprehend him and the WDFW can relocate him to a more suitable place in the Cascade Mountains.