I’m going to make this large text because computers are hard on the eyes anyway, and my first love will always be print, from noble newspaper to soggy fishwrapper.

Why Bullwings?

From my horoscope (I’m on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini) which last week, that fateful week of Armistice Day (laying down your guns), read:

Oh, Little Bull! You have so may things coming up roses in the last part of this year, you won’t be able to keep up with it all! Your sector of Expansion is lighting up like a Christmas tree and there is much more to come beginning later this month! Use all of your creative energy to manifest whatever it is you are trying to achieve. Don’t give up. Keep going.


Your sector of intimacy is charging ahead as Venus now enters that sector; Jupiter has been there for a while now but will be moving on later. Transformative Pluto will be moving into that space at month’s end, where it will remain for a whopping fifteen years! Get ready, Twinsie… changes are a-coming!

So, tomorrow, a walk in Olga and a long rehearsal.

Did you know that vinegar and newspaper are the best cleaners for glass?

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