A class on understanding, making, and using traditional and modern fermented beans will take place on Sunday, May 15 at the Olga Energetic Club at noon.

For this class, the local group Food Masters has put together a bulk order of dried Koji (used to make Miso) so that everyone attending the class will take home Miso. Simple ideas to promote health, to protect you against radiation and cancer, to live simply but well and sustainably are part of the Sunday workshop.

12:00-1:00 Talk and discussion on Miso
1:00-2:00   Miso soup and potluck lunch (please bring something to share)
2:00-3:30   Making local miso– hands on
3:30-4:30   Extending your miso stash — hands on

Workshop Sponsored by Food Masters
Questions? Contact

Cost for the workshop is  $25. Scholarships and/or trade opportunities are available by inquiry to Learner Limbach: foodmasters.orcas@gmail.com

Limbach said, “Food Masters pays its instructors $100 per half-day class. This is a token payment considering the amount of work that goes into each class. As a recently formed grassroots organization, we depend on donations to make this modest teacher compensation possible.

“Additional donations go toward a fund to establish a permanent Seed Bank on Orcas Island, a priority project for Food Masters in 2011.”

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