Community Meetings April 13 and 14 in Friday Harbor

From the San Juan County Prosecutor’s Office

The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness month.  The San Juan County Prosecutor’s Office and Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Services of the San Juans  (DV/SAS) have teamed up to raise awareness and join state and national organizations urging people to take action.“Sexual assaults involve more than just the offender and the victim,” said Prosecutor Randall K. Gaylord.

“While we have a “mind our own business” to many personal issues, that should not be the approach for sexual assaults.  Think as if the person involved is a relative or friend.  If the situation doesn’t seem right, then it probably isn’t.  If someone seems to be in trouble, ask if they are OK.  It’s important for relatives, bystanders and witness to ask direct questions.  If you feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to do, then talk to a friend, teacher or co-worker for help.”

“There’s no shame in being a victim of sexual assault,”  added Norm Stamper, now the President Emeritus of DV/SAS.  Mr. Stamper added that it’s important to speak out.  “We are fortunate that we have two places people can turn to.  One is DV/SAS, a certified community-based organization.  The other is law enforcement.  But neither organization can be effective if people remain silent.”

Mr. Stamper added that his experience has been that many women will feel guilty if they don’t report, and later learn the person offended against others.  “A report protects the person and protects community,” he said.
Gaylord added that the response on to a Level III sex offender possibly moving to San Juan Island was impressive at raising awareness.  “This event heightened awareness regarding a particular person in a particular place.  But we also must recognize that sexual assaults are not uncommon in our community, but there are things we can do to prevent it.”

Sandi Burt, with the Victim Services Center at the Prosecutor’s Office and Krista Stahl, Community Educator for DV/SAS are hosting two meetings in Friday Harbor to help parents, grandparents and guardians discuss ways they and their children can guard against sexual abuse.

Safer Communities – Safer Kids
A Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program for Parents and Grandparents
Location:  Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church
Two meetings dates and times:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 14, 2011 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Limited child care is available.  Please call in advance to Sandi Burt for child care 370-7611.